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Private Label

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Despite all the hysteria of the world press and the drop in global tobacco sales, our revenues are still growing, gradually increasing interest in our profits. No matter what the world press says, the tobacco business is still afloat and generates billions in revenue. The main thing is to build it right.

First of all, the key to success is a delicious and flavorful tobacco blend (mix). Unfortunately, it should be noted that most of the major companies in the industry, in order to reduce the cost of the final product instead of an excellent tobacco, attracted the main consumers to a cheap blend of sauces, consisting mainly of "reconstituted tobacco. tobacco "," liquors "and" sauces ". As a result, we get delicious cheap "chemical candy" that causes lung cancer, throat cancer, skin cancer, allergies, eczema and many other health problems. But the main and saddest fact is that our potential customer dies, and often dies hard, and this ricochets on the reputation of a purely natural tobacco product. This "minute" approach to business is fundamentally wrong, in fact, albeit indirectly.

Question: How not to become a "killer", keeping a clean conscience and at the same time increasing profits?

The answer: you must first produce a high quality 100% natural product. A product for which the raw material will be pure 100% organic tobacco grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals. Yes, it's not cheap, but the game is worth the candle,\ and good luck in your face.

The next most important aspect is the "designer" of the mixes. Unfortunately, talented cigarette "designers" are very few. They have to be "grown" by investing their own effort, time, experience and knowledge. \ Colleges are mass-producing tobacco industry technologists, but we are talking about a very narrow specialization of tobacco blends "designer". \ With his or her unique sense of smell and touch and knowledge, this designer creates wonders by constantly creating something unique and unrepeatable, resulting in a superior product. He can't do otherwise, he's a creator. Such a mix is always a winner! He captures two customer segments at once: the premium segment and the inexpensive mass-produced segment. Unfortunately, 99% of all "college-educated technologists" are just technologists without talent. A few of them are worth something, but \without senior experience and without extensive practice, they get stuck in their development.

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If you create and produce something familiar, the product will be faceless, similar to the mainstream, the premium customer will not come, there will be no advertising, the reviews are the same as for the product, the mass customer has a huge choice without a novelty. Surviving with such a product is unrealistic, but winning the battle for the customer is a madman's dream.

It took us a long time to pick up the seeds of potentially talented, capable of becoming really great designers. We nurtured young talents who evolved into outstanding tobacco blend designers. Together we've created over 100 recipes for premium and super-premium blends, blends for cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, and tubes.

We've even created unique "tobacco-free cigarette" recipes to help smokers recover from tobacco addiction.

Each of our cigarette types is a unique, individual blend. We can afford what even the biggest companies would consider insane waste.

We can offer several services to those who wish to invest their own brand of cigarettes "MADE IN USA" under their own name or order their own unique blend for release in any country in the world.

First, we offer a premium quality product. All of our blends are made from the softest part of the leaf and are 100% chemical free. We only use the highest grades of tobacco or 100% ORGANIC USDA. Also, we never cheapen our blends by diluting and adding "reconstituted tobacco", "liqueurs" and "sauces".

Our factory is located in Richmond, Virginia, in the heart of the tobacco industry. So your future cigarettes will have two legal and legendary inscriptions "MADE IN USA" and "Richmond, VA, USA", which guarantees you up to 30-40% of both mass buyer and buyer from the premium segment, which previously smoked. quality American cigarettes and because of their absence in the sample of your country switched to expensive substitutes.

Some "slyly" buying our blends, bringing them to the factory, tried to "cheapen" them by diluting and adding "reconstituted tobacco" or "vein". But we are not responsible for the quality and success of such "chemistry."

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In fact, we have several steps for our customers: We will either create a new blend or pre-prepared ones if the customer wishes. We will create the cigarette itself: This is the second component of the success of future products, only large manufacturers pay close attention to this, while everyone else misses this point. The ratio of the quality of cigarette sleeve paper, its perforation,\ the rim of the cigarette and the filter itself, which are vital to the quality of the final product. Otherwise, even a premium mix can become smokeless and lose its uniqueness. Brand. This is handled by marketers, but we can competently advise on this issue.

Package design, which is very important. Nothing extraordinary, but it is the face of the product, the manufacturer's advertising to the whole world. The design should be made at a high level, from the logo to the texture of the package itself. Everything is interconnected. The little things are important. We are based in the US, but we have a group of talented designers who have created many famous and successful projects for us in Azerbaijan.

Promotion assistance. If there is interest, we help promote the new product in various networks around the world. Marketing and promotion of products is the customer's business. But if we are interested, and we can do something to help.

Remember the main thing: Tobacco and all tobacco products belong to the category of flavoring goods, such as tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, and so on. Tobacco and tobacco products are used for smoking, chewing and sniffing. In this case, they are conventionally classified as food because they are consumed internally. Tobacco products are used mainly because of the nicotine alkaloid in tobacco, which has a stimulating effect on the human body. Nicotine is not addictive! The property of tobacco smoke to saturate a smoker for a certain period of time is called the physiological power of tobacco. The more nicotine in tobacco, the greater its physiological power. The property of smoke to cause a certain variety of complex taste sensations (tart and sour taste, bitterness, irritation of tongue twitching in the throat) is called the power of taste of tobacco products.

The taste of tobacco products is influenced by carbohydrates (from 4 to 14%), proteins (from 8 to 12%), and it is better if it contains less proteins and more carbohydrates. The aroma of tobacco and smoke is due to essential oils, resins and volatile organic acids.

Tobacco, as a consumer product, cannot be categorized as a plant-based products with a normal flavor. By the nature of consumption, as well as its influence on the human body, it is essentially different from other palatable products of plant origin, especially containing alkaloids (coffee, tea and etc.).

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The quality of tobacco in its taste and pharmacology depends directly on its chemical composition, which is directly related to the category of soil on which it grows, what has been sprayed on it, and the water that has fallen on it during growth. There is the term "terroir." It was invented and first used by French wine growers, but it has also evolved into professional tobacco growers. Tobacco is as noble a plant as grapes, and its cultivation is just as complex and time-consuming. The term "terroir" refers to the many natural and climatic conditions of one particular region. Something similar to \the term "microclimate," but terroir is a much more complex phenomenon, involving a huge number of very different factors. Terroir is first of all the place where the tobacco plantation is located: its geographical position, altitude above sea level, slope slope and orientation, composition and structure of soil and subsoil, their drainage, microflora, inclusion of tobacco plantation in the ecosystem.

It is also a specific climate and microclimate: temperature, duration of sunshine, amount and distribution of rainfall, wind strength and direction. Everything depends on the right terroir: how the tobacco grows, its quality, richness, sugar content, taste, color and aroma. Each terroir is unique, so the quality of tobacco from different countries and even regions is not so similar to each other. It is also a specific climate and microclimate: temperature, duration of sunshine, amount and distribution of rainfall, strength and direction of the wind. It depends on the right terroir: how the tobacco grows, its quality, richness, sugar content, taste, color and aroma. Each terroir is unique, so the quality of tobacco from different countries and even regions is not so similar to each other. It is also a specific climate and microclimate: temperature, duration of sunshine, amount and distribution of rainfall, strength and direction of the wind. It depends on the right terroir: how the tobacco grows, its quality, richness, sugar content, taste, color and aroma. Each terroir is unique, so the quality of tobacco from different countries and even regions is not so similar to each other.

There are only a few places on the planet where the soil has the unique properties that make for excellent tobacco. One such place is in America, in just a few states. One such state is Virginia, where the quality of raw tobacco is higher than in neighboring West Virginia or North Carolina. The difference in soil seems insignificant, but there is still a significant difference. But even such a difference between the states cannot dethrone American tobacco, especially the highest category, from the top of Olympus in quality and chemical composition, resulting in a price that is 200% higher than all others in the world. The main reason for the inflated price is that volumes of properly grown, properly harvested, properly dried and fermented tobacco are limited, resulting in a high price.

Growing tobacco is a complex and labor-intensive process whose skills are passed down from generation to generation, and some secrets are not divulged, but the experience itself can only be gained through years of working side by side with native farmers. There are farmers in America with more than 300 years of experience growing, harvesting and drying tobacco.

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Tobacco has made America rich and great!

The quality of tobacco is largely determined by the combustion and dry distillation products that are produced from the constituent parts of tobacco when it is burned and absorbed by the body while smoking. The better the tobacco, the better in many ways. We use only the highest grades of tobacco in their blends or 100% USDA ORGANIC. This greatly improves the taste of the blend.

Due to the different nature of the combustion, which depends not only on the physical and chemical properties of tobacco, but also on the conditions of air entering the combustion zone, different blends of products of combustion and dry distillation are obtained qualitatively and quantitatively. These differences are reflected both in taste sensations and physiological effects of tobacco smoke on the human body.

We will not go into the specifics of tobacco, but we will note that in tobacco production there are no trifles, everything must be precisely calculated and calibrated, otherwise the most ordinary mediocre product will turn out.

Risk is a noble thing, especially in this business, as it makes a huge profit, and with our opportunities 2/3 of your success is guaranteed!